Purcari Wineries Group este unul dintre angajatorii de top de pe piața muncii din Republica Moldova și România. Investim în resurse umane profesioniste, pe care le integrăm în procese de lucru, oferind condiții optime de remunerare.
Succesul Grupului de vinării Purcari este datorat echipei pe care o consolidăm de la fondarea acestuia. Grupul a implementat intern o serie de politici care sprijină obiectivele Companiei orientate către angajați, cum ar fi: Politica privind flexibilitatea muncii, Beneficiile de angajare, Politica de compensare echitabilă, Politica de avansare echitabilă în carieră, Programe de leadership și instruire, toate făcând parte din Regulamentele Interne ale Grupului.
IUL. 05, 2024
Facilitarea proceselor de export in China pentru produsele din Moldova
IUL. 04, 2024
Purcari Wineries Group sprijină viitoarele talente, oferind suport studenților pe drumul lor educațional
IUN. 04, 2024
Președintele Camerei Reprezentanților Parlamentului Irlandei oaspete la Purcari
APR. 25, 2024
Vizita echipei Purcari Wineries Group la Amorim Cork
Lucrez în segmentul de certificare, ceea ce îmi oferă o serie de beneficii, posibilități de învățare și avansare, experiență, relații profesionale. Obiectivul meu principal este să contribui activ la procesele inovatoare și să-mi dezvolt competențele în industria vinicolă națională. Prin abordarea mea orientată către rezultate, vreau să aduc o contribuție semnificativă la succesul Grupului de Vinării Purcari și să îmi construiesc un parcurs profesional remarcabil.
Am mai bine de jumătate de an de când activez ca microbiolog. În această perioadă am acumulat o experiență vastă, am cunoscut oameni frumoși la suflet și la chip. Scopul meu este de a aduna și mai multe cunoștințe în domeniul vinificației și să aduc îmbunătățiri în acest domeniu.
Ocup funcția de Chimist la Vinăria Château Purcari. Prima data am făcut cunoștința cu acest domeniu încă în copilărie când plecam cu părinții la culesul strugurilor și vedeam cum se produce vinul de casă. Am fost foarte inspirat de această profesie și am decis să o studiez la Centrul de Viticultură și Vinificație, iar ulterior la Universitatea Tehnică din Moldova la specialitatea Tehnologia vinului. Cu experiență solidă și motivație puternică sunt parte a Grupului de Vinării Purcari prin intermediul programului de Internship, Cred că pot contribui activ la procesele inovatoare, să-mi dezvolt competențele în industria vinicolă națională alături de echipa Grupului de Vinării Purcari.
Am luat decizia să devin parte din Grupul de Vinării Purcari încă de pe băncile Universității, și anume în timpul masteratului, un moment important pentru cariera mea. Internshipul a fost o oportunitate reușită, iar cu ajutorul mentorului meu, Eugeniu Baltag, am reușit să pătrund mai conștient și adânc în acest domeniu. La finalul programului de 3 luni am primit o ofertă de job full time, pe care am acceptat-o și acum pot spune mândru că sunt Specialist Audit, am un job interesant și dinamic, cu o echipă de nota 10, care îmi dă posibilitatea de dezvoltare continuă prin provocări și multiple proiecte interesante
Am fost fericit să fiu acceptat în acest program și deja de 6 luni fac parte din echipa de vânzări interne, cu mentoratul lui Dinu Corduneanu, Șef Departament Vânzări Interne, simt cum mă dezvolt în fiecare zi, obțin cunoștințe noi. Internshipul este o șansă reală pentru a te simți cu adevărat valoros și de a începe o carieră de succes în domeniul dorit!
Stagiul de practică din cadrul Grupului de Vinării Purcari reprezintă pista mea de lansare în carieră. Echipa prietenoasă, proiectele interesante și oportunitățile de dezvoltare m-au convins să rămân aici pentru a-mi dezvolta competențele de marketing și pentru a descoperi domeniul vitivinicol. Astăzi sunt mândră să activez acasă și să contribui la recunoașterea și promovarea vinului moldovenesc pe arena mondială.
Mi-am dorit să ajung în Grupul de Vinării Purcari, un grup puternic de companii atât pe piața locală, cât și cea internațională. Din 2019 mă bucur să știu că pot contribui la realizarea obiectivelor mari ale companiei, astfel dezvoltându-mă constant și eu, nu doar pe plan profesional, ci și pe cel personal. Aici am întâlnit o echipă mai mult decât prietenoasă, fără exagerare. Iar zilele de muncă, alături de astfel de colegi, sunt o adevărată plăcere.
Internshipul oferit de Grupul de Vinării Purcari a fost o experiență tangentă cu studiile în domeniul financiar, pe care le-am absolvit. Această perioadă m-a provocat prin multitudinea și diversitatea de proiecte, contribuind, astfel, la dezvoltarea mea profesională și personală – motive care m-au determinat să devin parte a acestei companii.
Programul de Internship în Grupul de Vinării Purcari
Pentru a promova importanța profesiilor din sfera vinificației, Grupul de vinării Purcari a dat startul unui program de Internship, destinat studenților de la cele mai mari instituții universitare din țară ca o oportunitate de a aduce perspective noi și proaspete în domeniul nostru de activitate.
Programul a fost dezvoltat pentru a atrage candidați de calitate care doresc să dobândească experiență practică, precum și să creeze oportunități de mentorat pentru angajații existenți, oferind o schemă bine planificată, completă, cu muncă semnificativă și antrenantă.
Studenții eligibili devin parte din departamentele noastre operaționale, dar și din segmentul agricol și de producere, acolo unde se atestă o necesitate sporită de specialiști noi pentru a încetini îmbătrânirea rapidă a forței de muncă.
Programul de internship este și o oportunitate bună de a primi mentorat de la persoane cu înaltă calificare în domeniu, oameni care au transformat piața vitivinicolă și au implementat proceduri inovative constant.
Purcari, Bostavan, Crama Ceptura și Bardar. Vinurile noastre intră în Top cele mai bune vinuri ale lumii și se livrează la 4 case regale. Purcari nu înseamnă doar medalii. Purcari înseamnă tradiție și valori care nu se schimbă după vremuri. Vino să ducem împreună faima vinurilor moldovenești în lume.
Purcari Wineries Group is a leading wine producer in Central Europe, with operations spanning Moldova, Bulgaria, Romania, and beyond. We are renowned for our commitment to excellence and innovation in the wine industry. As we continue to grow, we seek a dynamic Head of Cloud Infrastructure and Security to join us on our journey to grow our digital and data capabilities.
The Head of Cloud Infrastructure and Security will be responsible for managing the design, implementation, and operation of cloud infrastructure while maintaining the remaining on-premise infrastructure across Moldova, Bulgaria and Romania. The role involves ensuring the security, resilience, and scalability of our systems, managing resource provisioning, connectivity, and security automation, while driving cost optimization and ensuring business continuity.
Key Responsibilities:
Infrastructure Management:
Oversee cloud (AWZ, Azure) and on-premise infrastructure in Moldova, Bulgaria and Romania, ensuring high availability and scalability.
Manage network connectivity, VPNs, firewalls, and related infrastructure to provide reliable & secure access across all operational regions.
Lead the provisioning of on-demand resources, including virtual machines, databases, storage, and container orchestration (Kubernetes or similar).
Implement best practices for resource management and performance optimization across cloud and on-premise environments in multiple countries.
Develop and enforce security standards, policies, and controls to ensure compliance with regulations across Moldova, Bulgaria, Romania, and Central Europe (e.g., GDPR, ISO 27001).
Oversee access management, ensuring secure and streamlined access to critical systems and data across multiple jurisdictions.
Lead the implementation of security automation to detect, prevent, and respond to security threats.
Conduct regular security assessments and audits across all operational regions, identifying vulnerabilities and remediation measures.
Operations & Reliability:
Establish comprehensive observability and monitoring systems to ensure real-time visibility into infrastructure performance and security across multiple countries.
Develop and lead incident response protocols, ensuring timely resolution of outages and security incidents.
Design and maintain disaster recovery (DR) plans, ensuring continuity of operations across Moldova, Bulgaria, Romania, and other regions.
Lead cost optimization efforts through efficient resource management and cloud services utilization.
Key Skills & Qualifications:
Cloud Infrastructure Expertise: Expert in cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, or GCP), including cloud-native services, automation (IaC) and containerization (Docker, Kubernetes).
On-Premise Infrastructure Management: Experience managing physical servers, networking, storage, and security devices across multiple regions.
Security: Expertise in security frameworks, policies, and technologies (firewalls, VPNs, SIEM, IAM). Experience with security automation and compliance in multiple countries (e.g., GDPR).
Operations & Monitoring: Strong knowledge of monitoring tools (e.g., Prometheus, Grafana) and expertise in incident response, troubleshooting, and disaster recovery planning.
Resource Management & Cost Optimization: Proficiency in managing resources and cloud costs across a distributed infrastructure.
Compliance & Governance: Familiarity with regulatory requirements (GDPR, ISO 27001) and the ability to ensure compliance across multiple jurisdictions.
Automation & Scripting: Hands-on experience with automation tools (Ansible, Terraform, CDK) and scripting (Python, Go, Bash) for infrastructure management.
Leadership & Communication: Proven ability to lead teams and collaborate across different regions and cultural settings.
Preferred Experience:
Experience managing hybrid infrastructure (cloud and on-premise) across multiple countries.
Relevant certifications from AWS, Azure etc.
Language: Working language is English.
What We Offer:
Competitive salary and benefits package.
The opportunity to build and scale the cloud infrastructure of a renowned wine producer in Central Europe.
A collaborative, innovative working environment.
Professional development and continuous learning opportunities.
Purcari Wineries Group stands as one of Moldova’s premier wine producers and exporters, with a prestigious reputation on the international stage. We command approximately 30% of the Moldovan high-quality wine market and around 20% of the export market. Our impressive distribution network spans over 25 countries across Europe (including Norway, the UK, Romania, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, and Belarus), Asia (China, Japan, South Korea), and North America (Canada and the USA). As part of the Purcari team, you’ll have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge projects – from developing drone logic and machine learning solutions to optimizing and migrating to our new Kubernetes cloud cluster. You’ll be at the forefront of innovation, implementing Infrastructure as Code, Policy as Code, and much more. Join us to be a part of something extraordinary!
Participate in the complete software development cycle: Understand requirements, design, develop, test, automate and deploy software;
Identify and resolve pre-production system bottlenecks and production issues;
Engage in design and code reviews of the product, and enhance your knowledge of customers’ experiences to prevent future problems;
Make code maintainable and the product diagnosable and serviceable;
Participate in rotating on-call duties to diagnose and solve customer issues;
Own features from start to finish.
Strong fundamentals in software engineering: data structures and algorithms;
Coding proficiency in one or more of the following languages with the ability to quickly learn new languages: Go (preferred), Node.js (as a plus);
Strong fundamentals of Kubernetes and container orchestration platforms;
Experience in working on distributed systems like databases, distributed file systems, distributed concurrency control, consistency models, CAP theorem is an added plus;
Strong debugging and troubleshooting skills including the use of associated tools;
Experience with developing CI/CD systems, test automation frameworks;
Ability to document your work for the benefit of the team ;
Knowledge of REST, GRPC or similar communication paradigms;
Knowledge of public cloud services such as AWS, Azure;
Operational excellence: you think beyond feature delivery into how your code is serving customers in production.
What We Offer:
Competitive salary and benefits package;
The opportunity to build and scale the cloud infrastructure of a renowned wine producer in Central Europe;
A collaborative, innovative working environment;
Professional development and continuous learning opportunities.
If you’re looking to make a meaningful impact and grow with a forward-thinking company, we’d love to hear from you!
Purcari Wineries Group stands as one of Moldova’s premier wine producers and exporters, with a prestigious reputation on the international stage. We command approximately 30% of the Moldovan high-quality wine market and around 20% of the export market. Our impressive distribution network spans over 25 countries across Europe (including Norway, the UK, Romania, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, and Belarus), Asia (China, Japan, South Korea), and North America (Canada and the USA).
As part of the Purcari team, you’ll have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge projects – from developing drone logic and machine learning solutions to optimizing and migrating to our new Kubernetes cloud cluster. You’ll be at the forefront of innovation, implementing Infrastructure as Code, Policy as Code, and much more. Join us to be a part of something extraordinary!
Key Responsibilities:
Design, build and deploy data architectures and pipelines.
Design, experiments, build and deploy ML models suit for business needs.
Write quality code, and ability to adhere to the coding guidelines.
Pursue opportunities to improve delivery quality and efficiency within the organization
Follow, learn and apply new big data technologies and innovations
Required Qualifications:
BSc or MSc degree in Computer Engineering, Computer Science or related discipline.
3+ years of hands-on data engineering development.
Expert in Python programming languages.
Experienced with AWS data stack.
Experienced with Terraform.
Proficient with Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, Flink, and similar Apache big data stack technologies.
Experienced in Snowflake and DataOps.
Experienced in SQL and Data Structures.
Experienced with Data Vault data modelling techniques.
Experience in performance improvement on data pipelines and a good understanding of Volume, Variety, Veracity, Velocity, and Value concepts in Big Data.
Good knowledge of algorithms and software design principles.
Experience in CI/CD pipelines with one of the following AWS CodePipeline, GitHub Actions etc.
Self-motivated, able to self-improve, learn new and complex Technologies.
In-depth experience in agile processes and principles.
What We Offer:
Competitive salary and benefits package.
The opportunity to build and scale the cloud infrastructure of a renowned wine producer in Central Europe.
A collaborative, innovative working environment.
Professional development and continuous learning opportunities.
If you’re looking to make a meaningful impact and grow with a forward-thinking company, we’d love to hear from you!
Purcari Wineries Group stands as one of Moldova’s premier wine producers and exporters, with a prestigious reputation on the international stage. We command approximately 30% of the Moldovan high-quality wine market and around 20% of the export market. Our impressive distribution network spans over 25 countries across Europe (including Norway, the UK, Romania, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, and Belarus), Asia (China, Japan, South Korea), and North America (Canada and the USA). As part of the Purcari team, you’ll have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge projects – from developing drone logic and machine learning solutions to optimizing and migrating to our new Kubernetes cloud cluster. You’ll be at the forefront of innovation, implementing Infrastructure as Code, Policy as Code, and much more. Join us to be a part of something extraordinary!
Who we are looking for:
Excellent communication skills, both verbally and written that inspire confidence in business stakeholders and the team;
Good commercial awareness and experience of managing budgets and resource utilisation;
Very well organised and able to respond to changing priorities;
Analytical and flexible with the ability to rapidly understand ambiguous and complex concepts;
Ability to take and understand the commitment to incremental project deliver on time through the use of Agile tools, the value of metrics;
Will have worked extensively with geographically distributed teams on and off shore;
Experience in agile delivery methodologies (e.g. Kanban, Scrum) and in transitioning teams to agile ways of working.
Key Responsibilities:
Manage assigned projects (both software/products and/or infrastructure projects) and the production of relevant project deliverables and artefacts;
Identify product risks and issues, escalating where appropriate, in a timely manner;
Manage the expectations and satisfaction of the stakeholders;
Implement effective change management control;
Ensure that incremental delivery in a properly stage and statuses and kept up to date;
Develop and distribute timely status reporting with key sprint/product metrics;
Follow and align with the Agile processes, frameworks and best practice;
Own and engage in all stages of the agile development process – planning, stand-up, show-and-tell and retrospective ceremonies;
Work closely with the IT team to ensure the backlog is sufficiently prioritised for the next iteration;
Manage, coach and motivate the project team;
Communicate with openness, honesty and respect in all situations and be adept at conflict resolution and direction setting.
What We Offer:
Competitive salary and benefits package.
The opportunity to build and scale the cloud infrastructure of a renowned wine producer in Central Europe.
A collaborative, innovative working environment.
Professional development and continuous learning opportunities.
If you’re looking to make a meaningful impact and grow with a forward-thinking company, we’d love to hear from you!
We are seeking a dynamic and results-driven professional to join our Strategy and Transformation team. In this role, you will be responsible forcontributing to the company’s strategic initiatives (e.g., in which country should we expand further? Which new products should we launch?), understanding and analyzing some of our most important current processes (e.g., Sales and Operations, Stock management), identifying both quick fixes and long-term improvements, and leading the implementation of those solutions. You will work closely with the Strategy and Transformation Director and with cross-functional teams (e.g., Sales, Marketing, Supply chain, Production) to ensure that process changes are effectively executed, helping to drive operational efficiency, growth and strategic alignment across the company.
Key Responsibilities:
Strategic Analysis: Contribute to the development of the company’s strategic initiatives, such as market expansion plans, new product launches, and business growth strategies. Perform in-depth research and analysis to support strategic decision-making.
Process Discovery and Optimization: Conduct thorough analyses of key business processes (e.g., Sales and Operations Planning, Stock Management) to identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement – creating the foundation for continuous optimization and improvement.
Cross-functional Collaboration: Collaborate with Sales, Marketing, Supply Chain, Production, Technology and other departments to gain a holistic understanding of their processes and ensure their perspectives are incorporated into process improvements.
Solution Development: Propose and prioritize both quick-win fixes and long-term process optimization solutions, ensuring alignment with broader strategic objectives.
Implementation Management: Lead the execution of changes for incremental and continuous improvement, whether through updated processes, new tools (Excel-based or digital), or workflow improvements. Coordinate efforts across different departments and ensure smooth adoption of changes
Stakeholder Management: Act as a central point of communication between departments and senior management, providing updates on progress, challenges, and outcomes of strategic initiatives and process changes.
Required Skills and Qualifications:
Problem-Solving: Strong analytical skills with the ability to quickly understand new concepts and identify practical solutions
Process Optimization: Experience in identifying inefficiencies and implementing process improvements.
Excel Expertise: Ability to analyze large datasets to extract insights and inform decision-making.
Project Management: Proven experience in managing cross-functional projects from discovery to implementation in Agile or iterative way of working
Communication: Clear and effective communicator, able to engage with different levels of the organization.
2-5 years of experience in strategy, consulting, process optimization, project management, or a related field
Purcari Wineries Group, one of Moldova’s premier wine producers and exporters, is expanding its team. As part of our ambitious growth plans, we are seeking an experienced and dynamic Commercial Controller to join our team. This role will be key in overseeing the design and implementation of our pricing policies, aligning our commercial strategies with business objectives, and maximizing profitability across all markets. If you are a strategic thinker, passionate about the wine industry, and eager to make an impact, we want to hear from you!
Location: Romania or Moldova
Key Responsibilities:
Design and Implementation of Pricing Policies:
Develop effective pricing strategies by analyzing market trends, costs, customer value, and competition.
Manage and enforce the company’s Commercial and Pricing Policy across all sales channels (retail, wholesale, export, HoReCa).
Consolidate Price Lists per channel, adjusting prices according to market dynamics, seasonal demand, and vintage availability.
Sales Costs Review and Alignment:
Collaborate with Commercial and Marketing teams to analyze distribution and route-to-market costs (logistics, margins, promotional discounts).
Optimize the profitability of product lines by ensuring full transparency and control over sales costs.
Client Agreements and Trade Terms Management:
Validate and negotiate agreements with distributors, retail clients, and HoReCa to ensure alignment with company pricing policies and budgetary constraints.
Ensure full visibility into trade costs, rebates, incentives, and performance metrics.
Partner with Marketing and Commercial teams to develop an annual commercial calendar, planning key marketing campaigns, events, and product launches.
Participate in monthly approval meetings with senior management to track the effectiveness of marketing spend and align on investments.
Trade Marketing (Below-the-Line – BTL):
Oversee BTL activities such as point-of-sale promotions, trade shows, and retailer-specific programs, ensuring alignment with ATL objectives.
Provide financial oversight to ensure BTL investments are aligned with overall commercial objectives.
Portfolio Management:
Collaborate with Marketing to lead the portfolio management process, focusing on product innovation and optimization (e.g., product launches, portfolio rationalization).
Work with Sales to ensure that the portfolio strategy aligns with customer demand, market trends, and profitability targets.
Credit Control and Payment Management:
Monitor client accounts and ensure timely payments within agreed terms.
Handle payment delays and extensions, particularly in international markets, and validate invoices and credit notes in line with sales agreements.
Procurement Process Alignment:
Collaborate with Procurement to manage purchasing of materials (e.g., bottles, labels, corks, packaging) ensuring suppliers meet both cost and quality standards.
Support the procurement process by working closely with budget owners (Marketing, Commercial) and ensuring supplier selection follows the company’s 3×3 process.
Financial Planning & Forecasting:
Contribute to budgeting and forecasting processes, accounting for wine sales seasonality, inventory levels, marketing intensity, and market trends.
Evaluate the financial impact of various business scenarios, including marketing campaigns, product launches, and trade agreements.
Provide insights into the ROI of campaigns, promotions, and product introductions, measuring effectiveness in driving brand value and sales.
Reporting and Administrative Support:
Maintain and generate regular reports on pricing, client agreements, marketing spend (ATL & BTL), procurement activity, and sales performance.
Ensure compliance with internal controls and industry regulations, particularly in wine trade markets.
Key Leadership Competencies:
Strategic Thinking: Ability to align pricing and financial policies with long-term business objectives.
Decision-Making: Data-driven decision-making that affects pricing, profitability, and market positioning.
Cross-Functional Collaboration: Lead and coordinate with Sales, Marketing, Finance, and Supply Chain teams to implement pricing strategies.
Communication: Clear articulation of financial insights and pricing policies to stakeholders across the organization.
Change Management: Guide teams through changes in pricing strategies while ensuring alignment and minimizing disruptions.
Problem Solving: Proactively address financial and pricing challenges with innovative solutions.
Financial Acumen: In-depth understanding of cost structures, revenue drivers, and the financial implications of pricing decisions.
Required Skills and Experience:
At least 5 years of experience in Sales/Commercial Controlling, ideally in the FMCG or beverages industry.
Proven expertise in pricing strategy design, portfolio management, and sales cost analysis.
Familiarity with best practices in the cost of doing business with International Key Accounts (IKA) and Route-to-Market (RTM) through distributors.
Experience in ROI analysis for promotional activities, budgeting, and controlling.
Ability to work cross-functionally with teams like Commercial, Marketing, and Supply Chain to align strategies and objectives.
Strong understanding of financial planning, forecasting, and growth metrics in a beverage company environment.
University degree in Business Administration, Finance, Economics, or a related field.
Professional certifications (e.g., ACCA, CFA) would be a plus.
Deep knowledge of financial regulations and wine trade laws, particularly in international markets.
Experience with ERP and financial software systems.
What we offer:
Competitive compensation based on experience and skills.
A dynamic and professional working environment.
Access to training and professional development programs.
Medical insurance and other benefits.
Preferential prices on Purcari products.
Lunch vouchers.
If you’re ready to take on a challenge and contribute to the continued success of Purcari Wineries Group, we invite you to apply today hr@purcari.wine !
Purcari Wineries Group caută un Contabil Trezorier dedicat și profesionist, care să se alăture echipei noastre. Dacă ești o persoană organizată, cu abilități excelente în gestionarea financiară și dorința de a contribui la succesul unei companii de top, te invităm să aplici!
Responsabilitățile tale vor include:
Efectuarea, operarea și verificarea încasărilor, plăților și schimburilor valutare.
Verificarea documentelor pentru efectuarea plăților conform procedurilor interne.
Efectuarea tranzacțiilor cu băncile partenere.
Generarea extraselor bancare.
Încasarea numerarului de la unitățile de vânzare.
Eliberarea numerarului pentru salarii și alte necesități.
Gestionarea eficientă a numerarului.
Alte tranzacții și operațiuni din trezorerie.
Ce te va ajuta la realizarea responsabilitatilor
Studii superioare în Contabilitate.
Experiență de minimum 2 ani în poziție similară.
Cunoștințe avansate de operare în MS Office și 1C Software.
Abilități excelente în operarea cu facturi și alte documente contabil-fiscale.
Capacitate de evidență și întocmire a rapoartelor periodice de activitate.
Rigurozitate și atenție la detalii.
Abilități excelente de comunicare și relaționare.
Fluență în limba română, rusă și engleză (avantaj).
Ce îți oferim:
Compensare competitivă în funcție de experiență și abilități.
Un mediu de lucru dinamic și profesionist.
Acces la instruire și programe de dezvoltare profesională.
Asigurări medicale și alte facilități.
Prețuri preferențiale la produsele Purcari.
Tichete de prânz.
Dacă te regăsești în descrierea de mai sus și ești gata să te alături echipei noastre, te invităm să trimiți CV-ul tău la adresa: hr@purcari.wine.
Așteptăm cu interes să te cunoaștem!
Purcari Wineries Group is a dynamic leader in the global wine industry with a rich heritage dating back to 1827. We are dedicated to producing exceptional wines that capture the unique essence of our vineyards.
In light of our continued growth and internal reorganization, we are looking for a skilled Procurement Manager to join our team and help drive our long-term success.
Coordination of the Procurement Process for Indirect Materials and Services: Overseeing order placement, payment control, and ensuring a streamlined procurement process.
Market Research and Analysis: Performing detailed market analyses to identify opportunities and emerging trends.
Contract Signature Coordination: Managing the efficient signing of contracts and ensuring adherence to company standards.
Spend Analysis: Conducting spend analysis and generating reports to aid strategic decision-making.
Demand Management: Forecasting demand and planning procurement activities to meet anticipated needs.
Supplier Relationship Management: Building and maintaining strong relationships with suppliers, negotiating favorable terms, and securing optimal offers.
Negotiation: Leading negotiations to achieve the best prices and conditions for the company.
Fluent in Romanian and Russian; proficiency in English is preferred.
1-2 years of procurement experience, ideally within the FMCG sector.
Strong analytical skills and the ability to make informed decisions.
Excellent communication abilities and precise analytical skills.
Knowledge of Microsoft Office and 1C software.
A degree in a relevant field.
We Offer:
A competitive salary based on your experience and skills.
A comprehensive benefits package, including health insurance and other perks.
The chance to work in a vibrant team and engage in exciting projects.
Opportunities for continuous learning and career growth through training and development programs.
How to Apply:
To become a part of our team and contribute to the success of Purcari Wineries Group, please send your updated CV to email hr@purcari.wine
Purcari Wineries Group este în căutarea unui HR Generalist dedicat și proactiv, care să se alăture echipei noastre pentru gestionarea și implementarea proiectelor dedicate colegilor nostri din departamentele de Producere și Agricultură. Dacă ești un specialist energic, entuziast și dornic să aduci noi inițiative la viață, te invităm să te alături echipei noastre și să contribui la dezvoltarea continuă a companiei!
Responsabilitățile tale vor include:
Planificarea și coordonarea proceselor de recrutare, integrare a noilor angajați și dezvoltarea continuă a echipei
Monitorizarea și evaluare pentru a asigura o integrare și dezvoltare optimă a echipei
Implementarea și gestionarea proceselor de evaluare periodică a angajaților
Crearea și implementarea strategiilor pentru promovarea Purcari ca angajator de top
Planificarea și coordonarea evenimentelor și programelor de formare pentru echipa din Producere și Agricultură
Gestionarea și actualizarea pachetului de beneficii și compensare al angajaților
Colaborarea cu agenții de recrutare, primării, universități etc.
Organizarea evenimentelor, comunicare și creație pentru a asigura implementarea eficientă a proiectelor HR
Ce căutăm:
Minim 5 ani de experiență, dintre care cel puțin 3 ani într-o poziție similară
Diplome relevante în domeniu
Expertiză în utilizarea pachetului MS Office
Abilități excelente de comunicare și interacțiune cu diverse grupuri de persoane
Abilități dovedite de planificare și coordonare a proiectelor
Fluență în limba română, rusă și engleză
Ce îți oferim:
Compensare competitivă în funcție de experiență și abilități
Acces la instruire și programe de dezvoltare profesională
Asigurări medicale și alte facilități
Prețuri preferențiale la produsele Purcari.
Tichete de prânz și wellbeing corporativ
Dacă te regăsești în descrierea de mai sus și ești gata să faci parte din echipa noastră dinamică, trimite CV-ul tău la adresa: hr@purcari.wine. Așteptăm cu interes să te cunoaștem!
Purcari Wineries Group este un lider recunoscut și dinamic în industria vinului global, cu o istorie bogată ce datează din 1827. Ne angajăm să producem vinuri excepționale care reflectă terroir-ul unic al podgoriilor noastre. Suntem o companie listată public, apreciem inovația, sustenabilitatea, excelența și integritatea în toate aspectele afacerii noastre.
Căutăm un Manager Comunicare și PR care va avea un rol important în dezvoltarea brandului și gestionarea relațiilor publice pentru Purcari Wineries Group.
Responsabilități principale:
Crearea și implementarea strategiilor de comunicare a brandului grupului, consolidând imaginea și recunoașterea sa
Gestionarea și cultivarea relațiilor cu mass-media pentru a asigura o acoperire pozitivă și favorabilă pentru grup și vinării
Elaborarea și distribuirea comunicatelor de presă și coordonarea interviurilor și articolelor
Asigurarea coerenței și calității comunicării scrise, inclusiv tone of voice, copywriting și proofreading
Crearea și menținerea unui standard ridicat de conținut scris pentru toate materialele de comunicare
Susținerea strategiilor de comunicare a produselor companiei prin componenta de PR de produs (dezvoltare, brand management, comunicare digitală și trade marketing)
Susține dezvoltarea brandului de angajator al grupului
Dezvoltarea și implementarea inițiativelor de comunicare internă pentru a promova cultura organizațională și angajamentul angajaților
Studii de specialitate: Studii în domeniul comunicării, relații publice, marketing sau filologie
Experiență: minimum 2 ani în domeniul comunicării și PR
Abilități de comunicare scrisă
Abilități de comunicare verbală
Cunoașterea limbii române: fluent
Cunoașterea limbii engleze: fluent
Cunoașterea limbii ruse constituie un avantaj.
Pachet salarial atractiv, în conformitate cu experiența și abilitățile
Beneficii complete, inclusiv asigurări medicale și alte facilități
Oportunități continue de dezvoltare profesională și personală
Ocazia de a contribui la succesul internațional al unui brand de renume
Dacă ești pasionat de comunicare și PR și dorești să faci parte dintr-o echipă dinamică care valorizează excelența, Purcari Wineries Group te încurajează să aplici pentru acest rol.
Așteptăm cu interes CV-ul tău pe adresa te email: hr@purcari.wine!
Purcari Wineries is a renowned and dynamic player in the global wine industry, with a rich history dating back to 1827. We are committed to producing exceptional wines that reflect the unique terroir of our vineyards. As a publicly listed company (PLC), we value innovation, sustainability, excellence and integrity in all aspects of our business.
Purcari Wineries is seeking forward an experienced Regional Director to develop the business in Western Europe, with a specific focus on the UK. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing the international trade, develop new export markets, at the same time ensuring compliance with the regions laws.
Candidate: The ideal candidate would have:
• 10+ Sales experience in FMCG or beverages.
• Established network in wine distribution and ideally with major retailers.
• Knowledge of the on and off-trade landscape in the UK and WE as a whole.
• Ability to work with local distributors and, through high level customer service, increase their focus and the execution in the market.
• Ease of working across countries and cultures.
• Strong planning and analytical skills
• Strong knowledge in foreign trade and market trends
• Good negotiation and excellent communication skills
• Ability and wish to travel abroad for participation in international expositions and meeting the partners.
• Optimistic and success-oriented mindset
• High proactivity and team collaboration
Key Responsibilities: • Lead all operations of the Purcari Wineries Group in Western Europe, with a specific focus on the UK market.
• Develop the strategy and implementation plan for the existing brands and potential new entries in the given territory.
• Expand the base of importers in all focus markets while managing and building on the relationship with key local importers and customers.
• Support the local partners to enhance the execution (distribution, visibility at the POS, pricing) in both on-trade and off-trade of the current portfolio of brands.
• Identify key market trends, from portfolio to pricing and RTM, and propose actions to respond to those trends.
• Provide guidance for the development and execution of ATL and BTL communication.
If you have a passion for international trade and are oriented to succeed, we want to hear about you!
To apply, please submit your resume at hr@purcari.wine
Purcari Wineries is a renowned and dynamic player in the global wine industry, with a rich history dating back to 1827. We are committed to producing exceptional wines that reflect the unique terroir of our vineyards. As a publicly listed company (PLC), we value innovation, sustainability, excellence and integrity in all aspects of our business.
Purcari Wineries is seeking forward an experienced Regional Manager to develop the business in Turkey and the Middle East.
The successful candidate will be responsible for developing the international trade, develop new export markets, at the same time ensuring compliance with the regions laws.
Candidate: The ideal candidate would have:
• 8+ Sales experience in FMCG or beverages.
• Established network in wine distribution and ideally with major retailers.
• Knowledge of the on and off-trade landscape and import specifics in Turkey and the Middle East.
• Ability to work with local distributors and, through high level customer service, increase their focus and the execution in the market.
• Ease of working across countries and cultures.
• Strong planning and analytical skills
• Strong knowledge in foreign trade and market trends
• Good negotiation and excellent communication skills
• Ability and wish to travel abroad for participation in international expositions and meeting the partners.
• Optimistic and success-oriented mindset
• High proactivity and team collaboration
Key Responsibilities: • Lead all operations of the Purcari Wineries Group in Turkey (key market) and the Middle East.
• Develop the strategy and implementation plan for the existing brands and potential new entries in the given territory.
• Expand the base of importers in while managing and building on the relationship with key local importers and customers.
• Support the local partners to enhance the execution (distribution, visibility at the POS, pricing) in both on-trade and off-trade of the current portfolio of brands.
• Identify key market trends, from portfolio to pricing and RTM, and propose actions to respond to those trends.
• Provide guidance for the development and execution of ATL and BTL communication.
If you have a passion for international trade and are oriented to succeed, we want to hear about you!
To apply, please submit your resume at hr@purcari.wine
Purcari Wineries is a renowned and dynamic player in the global wine industry, with a rich history dating back to 1827. We are committed to producing exceptional wines that reflect the unique terroir of our vineyards. As a publicly listed company (PLC), we value innovation, sustainability, excellence and integrity in all aspects of our business.
Purcari Wineries is seeking forward an experienced Regional Manager to develop the export in Africa, with focus on Nigeria and the Ivory Coast.
The successful candidate will be responsible for developing the international trade, develop new export markets, at the same time ensuring compliance with the regions laws.
Candidate: The ideal candidate would have at least 5 years’ experience in a similar position. Also, you should have:
• Sales experience in FMCG or beverages.
• Established network in wine distribution and ideally with major retailers.
• Knowledge of the on and off-trade landscape and import specifics in Nigeria and the Ivory Coast.
• Ability to work with local distributors and, through high level customer service, increase their focus and the execution in the market.
• Ease of working across countries and cultures.
• Strong planning and analytical skills
• Strong knowledge in foreign trade and market trends
• Good negotiation and excellent communication skills
• Ability and wish to travel abroad for participation in international expositions and meeting the partners.
• Optimistic and success-oriented mindset
• High proactivity and team collaboration
Key Responsibilities:
• Lead all operations of the Purcari Wineries Group in Africa, with focus on Nigeria and the Ivory Coast.
• Develop the strategy and implementation plan for the existing brands and potential new entries in the given territory.
• Expand the base of importers in while managing and building on the relationship with key local importers and customers.
• Support the local partners to enhance the execution (distribution, visibility at the POS, pricing) in both on-trade and off-trade of the current portfolio of brands.
• Identify key market trends, from portfolio to pricing and RTM, and propose actions to respond to those trends.• Provide guidance for the development and execution of ATL and BTL communication.
If you have a passion for international trade and are oriented to succeed, we want to hear about you!
To apply, please submit your resume at hr@purcari.wine.
Purcari Wineries is a renowned and dynamic player in the global wine industry, with a rich history dating back to 1827. We are committed to producing exceptional wines that reflect the unique terroir of our vineyards. As a publicly listed company (PLC), we value innovation, sustainability, excellence and integrity in all aspects of our business.
Purcari Wineries is seeking forward an experienced Country Director to develop the business in Poland.
The ideal candidate would have at least 10 years’ experience in sales and/or marketing, ideally with P&L responsibility.
Also, you should have:
• Experience in FMCG or beverages.
• Knowledge of the on and off-trade landscape in Poland.
• Established network in wine distribution and ideally with major retailers.
• Ability to work with local distributors and, through high level customer service, increase their focus and the execution in the market.
• Fluency in English and ideally in Polish.
• Ease of working across countries and cultures.
• Strong planning and analytical skills
• Strong knowledge in foreign trade and market trends
• Good negotiation and excellent communication skills
• Ability and wish to travel abroad for participation in international expositions and meeting the partners.
• Optimistic and success-oriented mindset
• High proactivity and team collaboration
Key Responsibilities:
• Develop the strategy and implementation plan for the Purcari Wineries Group in Poland.
• Manage and build on the relationship with key local importers and customers.
• Support the local partners to enhance. the execution (distribution, visibility, pricing) in both on-trade and off-trade of the current portfolio of brands.
• Identify key market trends, from portfolio to pricing and RTM, and propose actions to respond to those trends.
• Provide guidance for the development of all ATL and BTL activities.
If you have a passion for international trade and are oriented to succeed, we want to hear about you!
To apply, please submit your resume at hr@purcari.wine.
As a Brand Manager at Purcari Wineries Group, your primary responsibility is to lead and manage the marketing strategies, ensuring an effective implementation and measuring the results and brand performance. Location in Chisinau office.
Key responsibilities:
1. Brand Management
Leading the development of brand strategy and brand positioning.
Managing brand effectiveness.
Measuring brand performance.
Co-ordinating brand support activities.
2. Integrated marketing communications strategies
Leading the development of marketing communication mix
Directing the delivery of integrated marketing communication
3. Marketing research:
Analyzing buyers’ behavior and market trends to identify opportunities.
Conducting market research to identify opportunities.
4. Strategic Planning:
Creating long-term marketing strategies and plans based on the company`s needs and budgets.
Leading the budget planning for managed brands.
5. Collaboration and communication
Working closely with Product Development, Digital integration, PR Communication teams.
Working closely with Trade Marketing, Sales, and other Partner marketing teams.
Sustaining the brand strategies adaptation for international markets.
6. Performance Analysis and Optimization:
Monitoring key metrics and evaluating campaign effectiveness.
Making data-driven decisions to optimize marketing strategies
Monitoring and measuring effectiveness of brand performance and campaigns.
The ideal candidate would have at least 2 years’ experience in a similar position and 3+ years’ overall background in the marketing field, solid understanding of marketing brand strategic planning, understanding of creative conceptualization.
Bachelor’s and Master`s degree in marketing / communication / management.
Experience in building or managing brands, coordinating brand support activities; measuring brand effectiveness.
Experience managing communication mix implementation
FMCG marketing experience is an advantage.
Deeply understanding of marketing processes and practices
Project management skills
Excellent interpersonal communication skills, team player able to build strong relationships with different teams.
Quick learner with the ability to adopt and understand new concepts.
Strong organizational and time management skills.
High level of self-motivation and self-development.
Result-driven, articulate, cultured, and well presented.
Fluent in English, Romanian and Russian languages.
Apply now!
Create and implement strategies for increasing the Foundation incomes;
Overseeing and managing the operational, financial, and brand aspects of the Purcari Foundation;
Provide leadership and management skills to ensure the support of the colleagues and partners;
Supervise the development of operations-based financial modeling;
Prepare accurate and timely analyses that capture and communicate fundraising results, variances, and performance trends for Purcari Foundation;
Coordinate and leads annual budget reviews, monthly and quarterly reviews, and periodic forecast updates with operational and senior management for all locations;
Provide Purcari brand for all the Foundation/charity activities and relations with the partners;
Assure the participation in non-profit public events and organize events for the brand of Purcari Foundation;
Ensure that services and funding relationships are robust enough to meet or exceed strategic goals and objectives.
Workplace in a modern and fully equipped office
Attractive salary offer + motivation bonus system
Staff discount offers
Interesting and motivating projects
Skills and qualification:
Strong leadership and managerial skills
”Make things happen” attitude, high proactivity
High communication skills
Knowledge and understanding of financials and how to build financial forecasting document for the board of directors
Strong project management skills
Creating and providing social media strategies for brand awareness
Background in managing non-profit projects
Experience in running fundraising initiatives
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Devină parte a unei echipe dinamice și profesioniste. Expediază CV-ul și noi te vom contacta.
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